T2K decoder v.02 - MatoSimi 4.2.2006 ------------------------------------ ENGLISH: I'm proud to present my new Turbo2000 decoder. It's utility for those who have old programs on audio cassettes in Turbo2000 format and want to transfer them to PC and start in Atari emulator. How to: 1.) Record your Turbo2000 program as 8bit mono 44kHz WAV. You can download sciava_t2k.rar from my web page - it's example of input WAV file. Signal amplitude must be high enough to success decode. It's better when you record signal with cassette player which has set high volume than record weak signal and then normalize. 2.) Start T2K decoder. Press 'Open' button and load WAV. Press 'average' button and then 'make' button. Decoding process will begin. Uncheck 'draw' checkbox to speed up decoding. 3.) When decoding finishes, press 'Find header' button. If 'No header found' messagebox appears, try to select another header type from combobox. 4.) Header information appears in bottom-left textbox (NAME,FROM,BYTES,START,CRC,calculated CRC). Note: TurboBasic header has another information segments. Header was decoded successfully if CRC equals CALC. Data start will be displayed in column 'Address' in table. 5.) Next step is to check data. Click on first number in column 'Address'. 'CRC' and 'CALC' values appear immediately. If they are equal, just press 'to XEX' button and your ATARI software will be saved to file 'out.xex'. Notes: - Decoder doesn't check WAV header (format) - There is wave-image and bit-image on form - Click on bit on bit-image and it will be displayed on wave-screen (on left edge) - 'draw' checkbox must be checked! - Bit color coding: 0-green, 1-red, ?-cyan/aqua, no data - black - Selected bits has white frames, unselected has black frames - cyan bits can be fake (wrong decoder recognition) so you can delete them manually by clicking on 'delete bit' button (check 'draw' checkbox and click on cyan bit so you can ensure it's fake) - Cyan bits are from waves which are shorter than zeros and they are decoded as normal zeros (0) - 'incorrect start, or data loss' message means, that header may be wrong or Turbo2000 signal has errors (strong attenuation) and some bits were not decoded well. To fix this problem and also problem with unequal CRC you should manually tune decoder. Increment or decrement value '64' using buttons, then continue at step 3.) Common values are from 56 to 69. Sorry, my English is not very good... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLOVENSKY: Som hrdy, ze vam mozem predstavit moj novy Turbo2000 dekoder. Je to utilitka pre tych, ktori maju programy na kazetach v Turbo2000 a chceli by ich previezt do PC-cka a spustit v Atari emulatore. Ako na to: 1.) Nahraj do PC tvoj program v Turbo2000 vo formate 8bit mono 44kHz WAV. Mozes si stiahnut sciava_t2k.rar z mojej weby - je to vzor vstupneho signalu. Amplituda signalu musi byt dostatocne velka na to, aby dekodovanie prebehlo uspesne. Je lepsie nahrat silny signal a neupravovat ho, ako slaby a potom normalizovat. 2.) Spusti T2K dekoder. Stlac 'Open' a naloaduj WAV-ko. Stlac 'average' a potom 'make'. Dekodovanie zacne - okskrtni 'draw' checkbox a dekodovanie sa zrychli. 3.) Ked skonci dekodovanie stlac 'Find header'. Ked sa objavi hlaska 'No header found', skus vybrat iny typ hlavicky z combobox-u. 4.) Informacie hlavicky su v lavom-dolnom rohu. Pozn.:Hlavicka TurboBasic-u ma ine parametre. Ak sa CRC rovna CALC tak bola hlavicka dekodovana spravne. Zaciatok dat bude zobrazeny v tabulke v stlpci 'Address'. 5.) Dalsim krokom je checknut data. Klikni na cislo v stlpci 'Address' a hned sa zobrazi CRC a CALC. Ak su zhodne, jednoducho stlac 'to XEX' a tvoj program bude ulozeny do suboru 'out.xex'. poznamky: - dekoder nechekuje hlavicku(format) WAV suborov - v okne sa zobrazuju signalne vlny a bity - ked kliknes na bit, zobrazi sa prisluchajuca vlna (uplne vlavo) - 'draw' checkbox musi byt zaskrtnuty! - farebne kodovanie bitov: 0-zelena, 1-cervena, ?-bledomodra, ziadne data - cierna - oznacene bity maju biely ramik a neoznacene cierny - modre bity mozu byt falosne (zle rozpoznanie dekoderom), mozes ich vymazat kliknutim na 'delete bit' (ak chces zistit, ci je falosny zaskrtni 'draw' checkbox a klikni na modry bit) - modre bity su z vln, ktore su kratsie ako nuly a su dekodovane ako normalne nuly(0) - hlaska 'incorect start,or data loss' znamena, ze hlavicka moze byt zla alebo Turbo2000 signal ma chyby (silny utlm) a niektore bity preto neboli dekodovane spravne. Tento problem a aj problem so zlym CRC sa riesi manualnym nastavenim dekodera. Zniz alebo zvys hodnotu '64' pouzitim tlacitok a pokracuj podla kroku 3.) Bezne hodnoty su zhruba od 56 do 69. MatoSimi 6.2.2006 http://matosimi.atari.org