Reverse Master, Master Mind 1, Tetris, Minesweeper, Gardnerova hra – more blasts from the past

Similarly as described in my previous post I revived additional pieces of software from my Cassettes. This time there are 4 games written by my brother and 1 more written by me.

Gardnerova hra (1988)

This small game inspired me to code NOT. My brother coded it in 1988 in TurboBasic, your task is to turn whole playfield to Os or Xs by pressing displayed keys. This game was introduced by Martin Gardner as well as many other logical games that are widely known.

Gardnerova Hra(1988)
Gardnerova Hra(1988)
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Master Mind 1 (1988)

Master Mind 1 is game that was available as a board game back in the days. One person (Master) randomly selects 4 colored pegs where each peg can have one of eight different colors. Then Master pins those pegs into the board and covers them so other person (Player) cannot see the selected sequence.
Player guesses the sequence and Master gives him information how many pins are correctly placed in player’s sequence and how many have correct color, however, are not placed correctly.
In this implementation computer role is Master, colored pins are replaced by numbers from 1 to 8, correctly placed number is represented by blue stripe and incorrectly placed number by green stripe.
Just watch the video and maybe you will get it 😀

Master Mind 1(1988)
Master Mind 1(1988)
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Reverse Master (1989)

This is another implementation of Reversi game, it is for two players and it is controlled by keyboard only. Game does not automatically checks if player has valid move available, so press START button in order to check that.

Reverse Master(1989)
Reverse Master(1989)
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Tetris (1992)

This Tetris version was coded by my brother for my 8th birthday :). It is written in Turbobasic (same as all other games in this post), however, it uses machine language procedures for drawing and rotating of tetris tiles.
Game is controlled by joystick and keyboard (SPACE to drop). Joystick FIRE button is used to quickly repeat move or rotation.
Thing that is unique about this game is that tetris tiles are different to the common ones, well, game consists all of common tiles but also many others, more complicated ones … so difficulty is much higher.

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Minesweeper (1997)

Last one is the only my game in this post. It is a clone of Minesweeper game very well known from Microsoft Windows operating systems. It is controlled by joystick and mines can be marked by pressing SPACE.

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One thought on “Reverse Master, Master Mind 1, Tetris, Minesweeper, Gardnerova hra – more blasts from the past

  1. Ten Tetris je pecka.Originalne kocky.Aj zvuk sa mi paci.Ako na tej prenosnej hre z blsaku…

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