
Skyscraper took 4th place in this year’s Abbuc Software Contest. I have created gameplay video that shows the overall game progress. It is cut into almost 3 minutes, but actual gameplay was around 18 minutes.

Gameplay video


Version: 1.0
24.0 KiB

Source code can be found here:


Martin Simecek (matosimi) – idea, code, design
Jose Pereira – design
Michal Radecki (stRing) – music, sfx

Technical info

> requires standard 64kB Atari Xl/xe computer – no expansion needed
> game is PAL/NTSC compatible
> joystick is not required to play (keyboard controls)
> music playback is in hybrid 4-channel stereo (where available), so it also plays flawlessly on mono machine


In title screen:
> press any key or joystick fire to start the game

In game:
> press any key or joystick fire to drop the floor from crane
> press Option key to toggle sound effects
> press Select key to toggle music


Your task is to build the highest skyscraper possible by stacking floors one on another. Floors are held by crane which is moving from left to right and vice versa. Crane movement speed is increasing everytime crane changes movement direction.
Trick is to take care about alignment when stacking the floors, once they are not aligned, next floor gets narrowed.
As game progresses there are several additional floor types introduced. These non regular floors have special functions that are triggered once floor is stacked. Game contains multiple phases, each phase changes probability of appearance of special floor types.
Game also contains couple secret modes that can be achieved during gameplay.


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5 thoughts on “Skyscraper

  1. Ahoj. Velmi pekna gameska. To je ofarbeny hires?
    Inak pomozes mi s mojou gameskou Kiiro???
    Pouzivam Tvoje toolsky a RMTcko.

  2. Ahoj, to nie je ofarbeny hires. Je to podfarbeny 5-farebny char mode. Co sa tyka Kiiro, neviem presne co si od toho slubujes, pretoze na moj vkus je to velmi velke susto. Jedna vec je grafika a overall design, ktory si naozaj spravil paradne. No od hry samotnej to ma este velmi daleko. Ja sa uz do tak velkeho projektu pustat nechcem, proste uz na to nemam chut. Ak vsak mas jasny koncept, verim tomu ze na AtariAge by si na to mohol splasit kodera. Navyse ja s hiresom a SW sprajtami nemam velmi skusenosti… rozumej, ak som robil SW sprajty, tak velmi konkretne, bez pouzitia nejakeho vseobecneho engine-u.. ktory si hra tohto typu podlamna vyzaduje.

  3. As always a well done work from you 😉

    Had a short play yesterdays, when the ABBUC discs arrived, but my childs entered the joystick. We had a lot of fun playing.

    Thanks, for this nice peace of ‘A8 art’.

    Regards, PPs

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