I’m feeling “lucky”

I decided to go with the flow so I reinstalled my netbook (that I use for Atari development) and upgraded to Windows8. No big deal, yeah, but yesterday when I finished some configuration I started to restore data from previously created backup.
What really surprised me is fact, that I somehow omitted my whole Atari folder during backup, so I lost everything :).

I have some partial backups from 2008 and 2012 from time when RR was just proof-of-concept and dynakillers unchained were not even considered yet. Luckily I have also SubVersion (SVN) server which I use for code versioning, so I think I should be able to build RR and DKU without much effort.

I lost some recent mockups and concepts that could be eventually turned into real games…

Ridiculous Reality – Kaz Kompo Winner!

Ridiculous Reality is winner of Kaz Kompo 2012, which makes it best game of  2012 for our little 8-bit Atari. […]

GamesTM – The Demake Factor

Latest issue of British videogame magazine GamesTM (issue 135) brings nice article called The Demake Factor. It is about demakes […]

6 thoughts on “I’m feeling “lucky”

  1. Matošimi, nějak nechápeme tvou reakci. Viktor se jen normálně podepsal pod svůj příspěvek, protože psát anonymy je neslušné, a ty z toho hned děláš vědu. 🙂
    P.S. Zdravíme z PLatariády.

  2. Nevím, co se stalo, ale komentář, ve kterém jsme tě Matošimi s Krupkajem a Fandalem (v přímém přenosu z PLatariády :)) kárali, za to, že ani neoceníš, když se Viktorko pod svůj příspěvek podepíše, se zjevně neuložil. Máš to tu voľaké zmätené. 😀

  3. @Pepax and Co., akosi moj spamfilter oznacil prvu spravu ako nedoverihodnu. V poslednej dobe nevie odchytit dost shitovych sprav, ale vidim ze bullshitove odchytava uplne pohotovo ;).
    Cloveka, ktory napisal prvy komentar k tomuto clanku riesit nepotrebujem, to co napisal je jeho vizitka a aj keby sa nepodpisal by mi bolo jasne kto to je.

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