I started writing this blogpost three years ago, it is quite unbelievable, but I finally collected all stuff and finished it…
I’ve been browsing the Internet and I found out that my old website is no longer available so my old PC games disappeared from our digital space. Old website had last update in 2002 and I’ve been surprised that I have no backup of it on my harddrive which is full of various old backup folders. Well, I decided to publish my old stuff again here, just to revive my old abandoned lost shit. Games are programed in 2001 when I was on high-school in most cases. Created using evil DOS TurboPascal with assembler routines and also some WIN stuff written in Visual Basic or Delphi. Some games were recompiled or I just had to put all needed files together, because I lost final game archives with binaries. I was lazy to create separate posts for every game, so here is everything together:
This is my biggest PC game so far. It is simple platformer where you control creature who has to collect all fruits and reach exit in lower right corner of screen. It is remake of game Rockman for Atari XL/XE. Game consists of 10 worlds, each world has 10 levels, for those who are not good at math: it has 100 levels. Every world has it’s own password that is shown after player beats 10 levels. Code is written in Turbo Pascal 7.0, it uses XVGA unit… Game has to be run under DosBox with additional command: loadfix -64. Otherwise game starts, but levels would be scrambled. Recently I added some optimizations to gamecode, because it was quite slow-mo when started from dosbox. Funny thing was, that I coded optimizations to version that was not final. I found out that I lost final sourcecode and this one lacks of some effects and it completely misses ending. So i had to recode ending from scratch, but I think it is quite same as it was 12 years ago when I finished this game. Note: game has no sfx nor music.
This game is remako of Cuttlemania for Atari XL/XE. Principles are same. Game is for two players, one controls his character using arrows, other one using WASD keys. Your task is to fill as fast as possible as many rows/columns to your color.When player jumps on empty field, it will turn into his color. What happens after another jump on same field can be controlled in game settings. Field can be cleared or changed to color of opposite player. Code is created in TP70 using XVGA, it has to be ran under DosBox and it is recommended to increase emulation cycles, otherwise it’s too slow.
Axilox is remake of game Axilox for Atari XL/XE. Game is for two players, or player against computer. Goal is to get numbers from playfield and get score. One player gets numbers in rows other one in columns (but only in those where opponent did his previous move). Original game is extended by ability to setup which number color increases and which decreases score of each player. Code is created in TP70 using XVGA, it has to be started from DosBox.
Hanoi is implementation of hanoi towers in Visual Basic 7.0. I think everyone knows this game so it does not require additional description.
Not is gardner’s game implementation written in Delphi using Turbopixels. Your task is to fill playfield in one color. Clicking on green marker causes inversion of fields that are in direction of given marker.
The Game of 15
This is simple game of 15. Game can be controlled by mouse or arrows. It is written in Delphi.
Ultra Joker
Ultra Joker is stupid joke database written in tp70 with XVGA, it requires DosBox. All jokes are Slovak language only.
All my stuff from TP7 times is here free to download, it’s one big mess… here are some screens of what you can found there: