Fireball 1k

Fireball 1k is new game which I created especially for MiniGame Compo 2008. It is another game which belongs to 1k category. Your task is to shoot as many falling bricks as possible. More info can be found in manual.

Used software:

  • Atari800winPLus 4.0
  • PSPad 4.5.3
  • XASM 3.0.1
Fireball 1k
Fireball 1k
1.0 KiB
Fireball 1k
Fireball 1k
766.0 B

Gameplay video:

I also created video which shows game revisions in process of developement:

Belljumper 1k

Belljumper is my new game created for MiniGame Compo 2007, it takes 2nd place on this competition. The game belongs […]

New webpage

My new 8-bit Atari webpage was released today. Content is same as in old webpage, but I am using WordPress […]

4 thoughts on “Fireball 1k

  1. clovece.. cize priamo LDA, LDX, STA? aku prirucku k asm odporucas? alebo mam skusit najprv len strojove podprogramy pre basic?

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