Titus The Fox

My biggest secret revealed! Let me introduce my latest and also best game called Titus The Fox. Many of you know this game from PC so I think explanation is not needed.

All you need to know is that I was working on this amazing platform game since year 2007. I almost do not believe that I managed to finish it. It was damn hard. More info will be in following posts…

Titus The Fox Titus The Fox (2)Titus The Fox (3)

Titus The Fox
Titus The Fox
108.2 KiB

h3x0r 1k

One year since I relesed Fireball 1k passed, so here is my new 1kB game called h3x0r. This game was […]

Titus The Fox (about)

Hello my Atari fellaz, as many of you guessed that This Game Release is fake, I decided to write few […]

10 thoughts on “Titus The Fox

  1. some nice productions (real one 🙂 ) you have got here, i like this logic one with the numbers, and “bell jump” game has a great concept,nice work!

  2. This game looks beautiful. It was my fav game on PC. So I cant wait to play it on my Atari XE.
    Thank You Matosimi!!!

  3. Cau, stiahol som si hru, obrazky vyzeraju velmi pekne ale nedala sa spustit na emulatore. Skus poslat iny zdroj, neviem kde je chyba, ale rad by som si zahral dobre vyzerajucu skakacku.

  4. Titus the Fox


    I seem to be unable to run the game on my Atari 130 XE.

    Are there any system requirements I may be unaware of?

    Best regards


  5. Hi, check the date when it was released and maybe you will understand whats going on 😉

  6. Hi MatoSimi,

    I seem to bee too simple minded to understand your hint 🙁

    CU, Erhard

  7. Aaaaarrrghhh!! :-/

    Nevertheless – congratulations for all those games released on any of the remaining 364,25 days of the year.


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