Summertime Demo

After long time period I came back with n00ly and KoZyCa with new demo called Summertime.

This demo was created especially for Forever neXt demoparty in Trenčín/Slovakia. I spent so much time working on this demo. I had this project in development like 9 months and it was very complicated to force myself to work on it after longer non-working delays. The biggest approach was made in last 2 weeks, of course… when I said to myself “on Forever, or never”.

Luckily I managed to end this sucessfuly and presentation on Forever was appearently succesful too (see bottom video). The most entertaining part was loading screen which appeared always in right moment :))).

Video form presentation on Forever (party version)

It wasn’t that bat finally, because XI was executing demo from SDrive on Atari with Qmeg, so loading lasted much shorter than it would on real disk drive.

Yesterday I finished extended memory version of demo, so loading screens were removed permanently. This version uses 8 memory banks of 16kB which are compatible with both Rambo and CompyShop memory extension. So it should work well, I had no opportunity to test on the real Atari, because I do not have extended memory, but I believe that it’s OK.

Extended memory version

And now few words about technical realization…
This demo was created using XASM 3.0.1 and PSPad editor, I debuged it on Atari800WinPLus4.0 emulator. Graphics were made using Graph2Font editor and music was composed in RMT. I also needed to develop a couple of C# utilities to make demo developement process more comfortable:

  • sourcecode generator of DL and DLI from G2F *.col file (no offense, but ASM export form G2F editor is horrible crap)
  • mask and inversion editor for pictures (to be able to somehow intelligently and easily display pictures by parts)
  • text screen editor, which was actually almost not used (there should also be text screens created by G2F pictures, but in the end I chose to use 3×3 font and generating text at runtime).
  • 3×3 fontmaker, this tool just took 3072 byte-long G2F export font from the image, which contained letters and shuffeled parts of fonts so that it can display any text.

Implementation was quite hard, but nonetheless, that it’s not a super-mega-giga-jeba demo, I hope that is liked and entertaining.

Summertime Party Version 64kB
Summertime Party Version 64kB
124.1 KiB
Summertime Extended Memory Version
Summertime Extended Memory Version
124.1 KiB
Summertime Extended Memory Version
Summertime Extended Memory Version
124.3 KiB

About Fireball 1k

Results of MiniGame Compo 2008 were released on september 8th 2008. My game Fireball 1k took fifth place.

Atari FontMaker v1.2

After unbelievable five years I’m releasing new version of FontMaker. Fly gave mi impulse to add one feature and Raster […]

3 thoughts on “Summertime Demo

  1. Hi Martin,
    Respect for finishing such a long lasting project. I remember when I started a (way too big) demo in 1989. It never got finished and annoys me until today.

  2. Tak to je dobry, prave na to koukam a co nevidim? Velky zluty napis SOMERTIME. Docela dobra vlci mlha, ne? πŸ˜‰
    Mozna ze byste mohli na pristi Forever spachat pokracovani, vzhledem k necekanym problemum se zmenou partyplace by se mohlo jmenovat Somertime’s over

  3. jasna vec, super demco. inak mas u mna tricko + usb kluc + atari pohar ako cenu, tak niekedy by sme sa mohli dohodnut, ze ti to odovzdam πŸ˜‰

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