Ridiculous Reality (Abbuc version)

Abbuc magazine is released with this year’s competition entry titled Ridiculous Reality. As you may have seen in video teaser in previous post, game combines arcade with logic. It contains several graphically different environments and nice number of levels that can occupy you for hours. Game has to be won in one straight shot, no save/load crap :). Here are some game screens also from levels that were not published before:

Game and manual can be downloaded here:

Final version of game is available HERE!

Ridiculous Reality - ABBUC version
Ridiculous Reality - ABBUC version
Ridiculous Reality.xex
60.3 KiB
Ridiculous Reality - Manual
Ridiculous Reality - Manual
Ridiculous Reality.pdf
18.7 KiB

Ridiculous Reality (teaser + pokec)

Ridiculous Reality is new game I made for Abbuc Software Contest 2012. It is arcade puzzle platform game where you […]

Retrogamer Ridiculous Reality

Ridiculous Reality & Retrogamer

sRetrogamer issue 110/2012 contains review of Ridiculous Reality and interview Jason Kelk did with me. He is editor of Retrogamer […]

15 thoughts on “Ridiculous Reality (Abbuc version)

  1. vazne, klobuk dole.. takyto zaner som este nevidel 🙂 na atari prva hra takehoto druhu..

  2. Paráda!!
    Jsem moc rád, že ještě jsou tací, kteří věnují svůj čas a nemalý um těmto 8bitovým legendám. Tento výsledek práce je špičkový. A že jste si vyhráli i s úvodní obrazovkou. Opravdu máte můj obdiv. Teď jsem si prošel dvě kola na emulátoru, ale hned, jak se dostanu k mému reálnému Atárku (v mém mikromuzeu), tak to dám celé 🙂


  3. Dík za pozitívne komentáre. V dohľadnej dobe vypustím final verziu hry, kde bude podpora NTSC systémov pre Ataristov z iných končín sveta… a pravdepodobne tam prirobím možnosť utíšiť ingame hudbu, čomu sa dožadovali ľudia na AtariAge fóre.
    Zároveň tam bola požiadavka na kódy do levelov, resp. nejaký spôsob ako by bolo možné skipnúť niektoré levely. Nič také sa nechystám do hry pridať, v hre nie je žiaden ubiehajúci čas, ani obmedzený počet životov, takže je to v pohode prejditeľné, len to vyžaduje zopár hodín hrania. 🙂

  4. Another great product of you!

    You are the first, who really impressed my son that much, that he asked, even by watching me playing, if I could put this game onto his computer.
    When I told him, that it is a game for my old computer he didn´t believed it, till I ran it there 😉

    Now he wants it on his NDS too 🙂 Now off – looking if there is a neat A8 Emulator for this thing 🙂

  5. To je aka pecka Mato. Velmi sa mi to lubi. Asi naj gameska z poslednej doby. Mne to film Inception pripomina…

  6. Congratulations !
    You made the 1st place at Abbuc Software contest 2012 – didn`t I tell you ?!? Hope you will take part in future Abbuc contests again… Greetings, Andreas Koch.

  7. we plan to release final version (with NTSC support) on 1st of December.

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